I'm never going to understand how someone can find even an ounce of joy from math. once you learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide-- you're set. . . i realize I'm throwing a hissy fit over something that is inevitable but it just feels so damn nice to vent. i practically squirm at the mention of a calculator and cringe at a glance of a textbook.
Math just seems like an annoyance to me, a bump in the road really. It seems like there's this elite math society somewhere out there. They all comprehend math and speak it like it's their first language. And I sit here, on the sidelines, bitter and jealous-- hoping that someday I could be just like them. When it comes time to doing the math I'm just about the most pessimistic hard-headed person I know. I'm sure it's as painful to watch me attempt at math as it would be to sever your hand. Typing two paragraphs about why I hate math has only reassured me of my belief-- math sucks. But maybe some good came out of it. I realized that even I have to admit when I see someone produce some elegant solution to a complex problem in a matter of seconds it leaves me so impressed, that I wish I understood more of it.
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